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How to build ethereum wallet?
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- @theblockexperts
Building an Ethereum Wallet App with Expo and TypeScript
In this guide, we'll walk through the creation of an Ethereum wallet app using Expo, TypeScript, and the ethers.js
library. We'll focus on generating a mnemonic, accessing an Ethereum address, and checking balances from the blockchain, inspired by the X-Wallet example, which leverages Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles.
Understanding Ethereum Wallets
Ethereum wallets serve as gateways to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to manage their Ether (ETH) and other tokens. They come in various forms:
- Hot Wallets: These are software or online wallets (like MetaMask) that offer convenience at the cost of security.
- Cold Wallets: Physical or hardware wallets (like Ledger or Trezor) provide enhanced security since they are not connected to the internet when not in use.
Key Concepts:
- Private Key: Used to sign transactions and prove ownership of cryptocurrencies.
- Public Key: Generated from the private key, used for receiving ETH.
- Address: Derived from the public key, an address where ETH can be sent.
🛠 Prerequisites and Setup
Software Requirements:
- Node.js: Installed on your development machine.
- Expo CLI: Install globally via
npm install -g expo-cli
. - React Native: Familiarity is beneficial, though not mandatory for this guide.
- TypeScript: Ensure your Expo project supports TypeScript.
Installation Commands:
expo init ethereum-wallet-app --template expo-template-blank-typescript
cd ethereum-wallet-app
npm install ethers react-native-get-random-values @ethersproject/shims @dawar2151/bip39-expo
🚀 Step 1: Initialize Your Expo Project Begin by setting up a new Expo project with TypeScript:
bash expo init ethereum-wallet-app --template expo-template-blank-typescript cd ethereum-wallet-app expo start
🔐 Step 2: Wallet Management Services Create WalletService.ts for handling wallet operations:
import 'react-native-get-random-values'
import '@ethersproject/shims'
import { Wallet, JsonRpcProvider, Contract, BigNumberish } from 'ethers'
import { hdkey } from 'ethereumjs-wallet'
import Bip39 from '@dawar2151/bip39-expo'
import { ERC20_ABI, PATH_DERIVE } from '@x/global/config/constants' // Assuming these constants exist
import { NETWORKS, ANKR_KEY, INFURA_SECRET } from '@/global/constants' // Assuming these are defined elsewhere
import { type Token } from '@/domain/tickers/models/token' // Assuming this type is defined
import { type Network } from '@/global/types.constants' // Assuming this type is defined
// Generate a new mnemonic
export const generateNewMnemonic = async (): Promise<string> => Bip39.generateMnemonic()
// Derive wallet from mnemonic
export async function getWallet(phrase: string, currentNetwork: Network): Promise<Wallet> {
const seed = await Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(phrase)
const hdwallet = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(seed)
const wallet = hdwallet.derivePath(PATH_DERIVE).getWallet()
return new Wallet(wallet.getPrivateKeyString(), getProvider(currentNetwork))
// Fetch native token balance
export const getNativeTokenBalance = async (
currentNetwork: Network,
account: string
): Promise<BigNumberish> => {
const provider = getProvider(currentNetwork)
return provider.getBalance(account)
// Fetch ERC20 token balance
export const getTokenBalance = async (
currentNetwork: Network,
tokenAddress: string,
account: string
): Promise<BigNumberish> => {
const provider = getProvider(currentNetwork)
const contract = new Contract(tokenAddress, ERC20_ABI, provider)
return contract.balanceOf(account)
// Select provider based on network
export function getProvider(currentNetwork: Network = 'sepolia'): JsonRpcProvider {
switch (currentNetwork) {
case NETWORKS.bsc:
return new JsonRpcProvider(`https://rpc.ankr.com/bsc/${ANKR_KEY}`)
case NETWORKS.base:
return new JsonRpcProvider(`https://rpc.ankr.com/base/${ANKR_KEY}`)
return new JsonRpcProvider(`https://${currentNetwork}.infura.io/v3/${INFURA_SECRET}`)
// Get balance for supported tokens
export async function getBalance(
tokenId: string,
supportedTokens: { [key: string]: Token },
currentNetwork: Network,
currentAddress: string
): Promise<BigNumberish> {
const token = supportedTokens[tokenId]
if (token.isNative) {
return getNativeTokenBalance(currentNetwork, currentAddress)
} else {
return getTokenBalance(currentNetwork, token.address, currentAddress)
📲 Step 3: Crafting the User Interface Update Wallet.tsx for basic wallet functionalities:
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
import XButton from '@x/global/components/X/XButton';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { generatePhrase, setUpWallet } from '@x/wallets/XReducer';
import { removeValue, saveValue } from '../../../infra/secureStorage';
import { XContainer } from '@x/global/components/styled/Container';
import { generateNewMnemonic } from '../../../infra/helpers';
import { type AppDispatch, type RootState } from '@x/global/state/store';
import { XActivityIndicator } from '@/global/components/X/XActiveIndicator';
import { Routes } from '@/global/navigation/RouteNames';
import { PHRASE_KEY } from '../constants';
import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
import XLogo from '@/domain/authorizations/components/XLogo';
import { useXWalletHelper } from '../hooks/useXWalletHelper';
export function Wallet(): JSX.Element {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const loading = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.x.loading);
const { setLocalLoading } = useXWalletHelper();
const dispatch = useDispatch<AppDispatch>();
const generateMnemonic = async () => {
try {
const phrase = await generateNewMnemonic();
await saveValue(PHRASE_KEY, phrase);
await removeValue('password');
dispatch(setUpWallet({ phrase }));
navigation.navigate(Routes.DEFINE_PASSWORD as never);
} catch (error) {
return (
{!loading ? (
<View style={styles.walletContainer}>
<XLogo />
<XButton onPress={generateMnemonic} title="Generate new seed phrase" icon="wallet" />
<XButton icon="import" onPress={() => navigation.navigate(Routes.IMPORT_MNEMONIC as never)} title="Import existing seed phrase" />
) : (
<XActivityIndicator />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
walletContainer: { marginHorizontal: 50, gap: 20 },
🔑 Key Features of X-Wallet
- Token Distribution: Bulk sending of native and ERC20 tokens with optimized gas fees.
- Wallet Management: Create, import, and export wallets using BIP-39 mnemonics.
- Network Switching: Support for various networks including testnets.
- User Interface: Balance display, QR code address sharing, and transaction history.
- Security: Password-protected access, enhanced gas settings, and token swapping.
🔗 Accessing Full Source Code
For the complete implementation of X-Wallet with advanced features, you can explore CodeCrayon
This guide provides a foundation for building your own Ethereum wallet app. Happy coding! 🚀